GEN2018 Konferenz

7. Juli 2018 – 15. Juli 2018 ganztägig
Lilleoru training centre
Aruvalla village / Rae parish / 75320 Harju County / Estonia
Toivo Aalja
+372 504 2418

Every action has an impact. But how to act in a way that would enable us to live in the ever-increasing balance with each other, the whole nature and ourselves? Our goal is to bring to GEN2018 conference “The Wisdom of Conscious Communities” all the practical knowledge and skills from as many eco-communities as possible. This would be a great enhancement towards more conscious and sustainable lifestyle worldwide and we can add also our own Estonian experience to this knowledge base.

Such sustainable lifestyle stands on four pillars: 1) holistic and conscious self-development of a human being; 2) open communication and conscious cooperation n; 3) fair economy and social entrepreneurship; 4) technologies that support the biodiversity and sustainable development of the ecosystems of the planet Earth.

People in different ecovillages all over the globe have practically explored various opportunities of changing the life of humanity in such way that it would put less stress on the environment and also could provide more support for the development of an individual human being and the community. Many of them have reached the conclusion that the change won’t happen or has no significant impact unless we address the change of our inner worlds first.

GEN2018 conference “The Wisdom of Conscious Communities” will focus on the knowledge and tools that support conscious development and practical application of awareness for exactly this reason.

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