zoom1: Global Degrowth-Mapping Meeting

7. Mai 2020 um 16:00 – 17:30

In Preparation of the **Global Degrowth Day on the 6th June** we want to create a global map of the degrowth movement.
Please join in and Help Mapping! https://glossardeswandels.de/#/?term=Degrowth

In this Webinar we will explain, how the [Map of Tomorrow](http://mapoftomorrow.org/) works.
If you join the #Mapathon you will get a list of possible initiatives in a certain country and we start together. If you want, you can become a regional coordinator of the degrowth-movement in your region/ country/ continent. https://agora.degrowth.net/t/having-a-look-on-the-new-map-degrowth-net/752/9

**Im ZOOM1-Raum via Wandelbündnis**
Zoom-Meeting beitreten: https://zoom.us/j/8134509126
Meeting-ID: 813 450 9126
Schnelleinwahl mobil: +493030806188,,8134509126#

Please sign in to this miro board: https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/Kibj6ziPu8qcnJfmzTOkHM0disYoraiMrqoItTpBiuDXVNWQJQR9931tcJ7KBv57

You will have to register to be able to edit the board.
to only view the board, you can use this link: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_ksrdRJc=/ But for participation please login!
