Our philosophy – to promote synergies


Throughout the world, sustainability initiatives in the widest sense seek to improve living conditions on planet earth. In many cases, they develop similar structures in order to fulfill their tasks and meet their requirements (prominence, communication, fundraising, project planning, connection with others, finding employees and resources, etc.) Frequently, the “wheel” is reinvented, because these initiatives do not know that this “wheel” already exists or similar “wheels” which may be able to achieve the same goals in a better way. Or that connectedness with others can significantly strengthen one’s own interests.

Here we come into play. Our mission is to mitigate these challenges. We are about creating connectivity / networking activities without interfering with contents and topics. In both the real and the digital world, we want to, actively and passively, create synergies between different people and organizations, promote exchanges, activate and increase resources, and accompany all this structurally – always with the aim of improving the coexistence on our planet.

Bunte Hände mit Herzen als Symbol für Liebe und Mitgefühl

Our vision – building a home for sustainability and synergies

Imagine there is a global organization that enables and supports networking for all without thematic interference; a non-profit organization which confidentially connects people, both analogically and digitally, and is open to everyone. Some of the resulting advantages:

  • The development towards a sustainable society and economy is gaining momentum.
  • People do not have to reinvent the wheel, but can look for similar approaches that already exist.
  • People can more quickly find like-minded people for the realization of their ideas.
  • It creates a motivating feeling of cohesion and encouragement.
  • The whole spectrum of the fields of “free communication” and “sustainability” will become visible, resulting in new synergies.
  • The colorful variety of approaches will become obvious and tangible.

Our values


As an organization, we generally do not interfere thematically. We focus on structural connection and support in real and digital life.

Community control

In the frekonale e.V. and its projects, events, etc., everyone can freely express their thoughts. The organization and all its stakeholders decide in a collaborative and transparent manner on how spam and destructive contributions can be avoided (based on the model of Wikipedia). There are no ethical guidelines, except for the ethical framework of the Earth Charter.

Also the name “green net project” is a working title and should be argued and decided about by everyone in the course of the process.

Low hierarchies

In frekonale e.V., hierarchical structures are avoided as far as possible and are limited to the organizational level.


We integrate all socially relevant actors from the fields of free communication and sustainability into a living circle of all those who want to improve the existing situation.