
Our vision is a networked, grandchildren-compatible society in 2030 with corporate good-compliant social, communication and economic structures. This requires an economically self-supporting network that bundles forces and resources.

We are a project of the association Freie Kommunikation und Nachhaltiger Lebensstil e.V. “frekonale”. Donations can be set off against tax liability.

Donate via form

If you use this donation form from our partner, you will automatically receive a donation receipt. Betterplace charges 2.5% of the collected fees for the transaction.

On our project page at betterplace you will find more details in which area of our work you can support us by donating.

Donate via bank transfer

Alternatively you can transfer your donation directly to us. You can deduct amounts up to 200 euros by submitting the account statement for tax purposes. If you would like to donate more money and need a donation receipt, we are happy to put it out for you. Please put your name and address in the subject of your payment. Thank you!

Donations account:

Freie Kommunikation und Nachhaltiger Lebensstil e.V.
IBAN: DE24430609671174433900
GLS-Bank Bochum

Subject: Donation + your name and address